Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lucy went to the vet today to have her Fentanyol pain patch removed. It was stapled in, so we had to have it removed at the vet here in Welland, Ontario. It went very well! She didn't even flinch at any point and it only took about 30 seconds! I was very proud of her.
She has an appointment on Thursday the 25th at 2PM to have the other staples (holding the incision closed) removed. The vet said it should go just as easily/quickly and she shouldn't need any sedatives. I was worried they might knock her out to remove them, but he said she should be okay! Yay!
Lucy is STILL doing great. No troubles today. She is still acting like herself even though her super strong pain medication has worn off. She is still on her other tablet pain/inflammatory medication, which is good.
So overall, all is great in the land of the wrinkle monster tripod dog. :) I have more photos and one video for you guys.
and some more photos:

and one last photo from late last night. I had to ice her incision down and she was all shivery so I put a blanket on her and she fell asleep:

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Goosy and I are home!
We got home last night around 9pm. The trip went very well - she slept about 3/4 of the way. She's doing great today. Walking/running around absolutely fine. She is acting almost 100% normal! I am so amazed by how well she is doing :D I really couldn't ask for more. Oh, except for her to poop! She hasn't pooped since the night before the surgery (wednesday)...but she wasn't eating at all until yesterday. So I expect a poop very soon, hopefully. The pain medication has probably made her pretty constipated.
Here are a few more pictures...and also, I took a video of her at the vet. This was about 16 hours after the surgery and she still was highly medicated. Looking at this video now kind of makes me cringe because of how terribly she is bouncing around. Compared to now, that looks scary! Anyways, here is the video. (also, the fluid/bloody discharge falling from her leg is pretty gross at the beginning)
I'm going to get a video of her walking later today when I take her for a tiny stroll up the street. I'll post it later tonight.
Here are the pictures
Icing her down with a bag of frozen broccoli:

Oh! I also completely forgot to mention another amazing person that helped with Lucy. Harry's dad not only gave Lucy a card with $100 in it...BUT, he also made her a customized sling! He works for a company that makes special slings and braces and stuff for NFL players! He specially made this sling to go around Lucy's tummy to help her getting around. It is so SO helpful getting her up the stairs. Harry and his family are the most amazing people I have ever met.

Another shot of the sling. The inner material (white part) is amazing! It's this super soft, but really rubbery, sticky sort of material. Basically it sticks right to her skin and gets an awesome grip on it so it doesn't slip off her belly. The vet said we could use a towel around her belly for support, but this is much, much better!

Oh, and Harry's parents brought her over the toy as well!

Here is her awake looking like she has no legs.

The incredibly roomy backseat.

The chauffeur.

And the wonderful storm we went through.

Friday, June 12, 2009
lucy came home this afternoon!
everything went so great...she is doing so amazingly. she walks almost 100% fine..she'd even be able to run if I let her! she's passed out next to me right now, still pretty out of it from the medication.
the stumbles/spills that she has taken have mostly been because of the pain killers she is on. but aside from that, she is doing SO WELL.
She is able to pee completely normally (she hasn't pooped yet, but I'm sure she'd be okay)...so no troubles in that department. She hasn't been licking the incision at all, which is great. We have a lampshade for her and also a diaper thing to cover the wound in case it is leaking - this morning there was a fair amount of fluid dripping from part of the stitches, but the dr. said that it was a good sign and completely normal. She hasn't been dripping or bleeding at all since we've been home.
I am so happy she is doing so well. We're heading back to Canada tomorrow. She will probably sleep for most of the trip home. She is on pain medication as well as antibiotics for 2 weeks. She'll have the stitches taken out in 2 weeks..and the fentanyol patch (pain patch which is stapled to her side) removed on Monday.
I'd say that after the stitches are removed, she'll pretty much be back to normal. Thank you all for your support...I truly appreciate every ounce of it. Lucy too. Here are some pictures from the vet.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
tiny update;
lucy's surgery today went very well. her xrays and bloodwork all came back good. the surgery was about 2 hours and dr. humphries said everything went good! we will be visiting her in the morning. I am BEYOND excited to see her. I borrowed a bambam* to sleep with for the night so I wouldn't get lonely! anyways, I will post more tomorrow! hopefully with some tripod picture goodness.
*a bambam: