Hey everyone!
It's been pretty crazy around here since my last post so I wasn't able to post an entry sooner.
Lucy has been doing well. She's acting like the same healthy dog I know and love, which has been great. We have most of the travel arrangements organized and we are looking forward to visiting beautiful Pennsylvania. Lucy especially, since she loves long car rides.
Our good friend Dave, who Lucy adores, will be driving us down to Downington, PA. I am so thankful he is helping out on that end (thanks Dave!), as our other options were kind of complicated and expensive. Having the travel stuff simplified takes a lot of stress off the whole situation.
I took a few pictures of her leg tonight and seeing them in picture form makes me feel really upset with myself. I wish I had taken care of this sooner. But anyways, I'll post them as URLs so they aren't ruining the cuteness on this page:
-The patch where the vet shaved to do the fine needle aspirates.
-The fatty mass hanging from the skin around the hock.
-Width of mass on her thigh area.
And to end off on a cute note...
Lucy listening and watching a thunderstorm earlier today:

Get Well Lucy!!!
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